provavelmente o post mais "nerd" deste blog :) é sobre o futuro da publicidade a partir dos olhos do presidente da "American Association of Advertising Agencies" no seu discurso de celebração do 50º aniversário da "4A's", em 1967. Este discurso re-aparece novamente pelas mãos do filho que o publicou online na plataforma Vimeo.
uma das "predições" é a revista "Lifetime, the Magazine for You", digam-me se não vos parece familiar:
"This film was shot in 1967 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. It speculates about the future of advertising from the perspective of looking back at 2017 from the year 2095. The man speaking is my father, James C. Nelson, Jr., who was creative director of Hoefer, Dieterich & Brown, at that time the largest independent ad agency west of the Mississippi. He wrote, directed and produced the film as well as performed in it." (via)
uma das "predições" é a revista "Lifetime, the Magazine for You", digam-me se não vos parece familiar:
"Lifetime, the Magazine for You" is laser-beamed to a device that prints out the content from under the kitchen sink, next to the garbage disposal. Each copy is unique and the subscription is noncancelable. Says Mr. Nelson in the film, "Only the ads that could reasonably appeal to the subscriber are included in his issue and if an advertiser wanted to reach only 28-year-old mothers of three children, boy-girl-boy, that was who they reached ... there was 100% coverage and no waste circulation and no matter how the subscriber felt about it, noncancelable." (via)deixo-vos com o vídeo integral,